the «kunst: szene zürich 2018» – was held from november 23rd to december 2nd, 2018 in zurich. the modular-structured event with exhibitions and performances took place in 26 different spaces with around 250 participating artists and collectives, in the city of zurich.
the «kunst: szene zürich 2018» in this modular form was new and had an experimental character. all artists living in the city of zurich could participate, only the exhibition spaces where evaluated by a jury.
the «kunst: szene zürich 2018» was organized by the city of zurich, culture, in cooperation with numerous museums, community centers and off-spaces.
we developed and implemented the communication-concept for the city of zurich. the different spaces where responsible for their own communication. nonetheless, the city of zurich wanted a uniform visual appearance for the «kunst: szene zürich 2018» in order to have a visible impact in the public space.
to achieve this goal, we decided to develop and design a special, eye-catching font for the «kunst: szene zürich 2018». the font should be used by all the participating artists and partners. the font was available for everybody. to reflect this thought in our font we chose to work with the «open-source» font «roboto» as base. inspired by the coat of arms of zurich, we added glitches, diagonally drawn disturbances / countermovements through the letters.
for the main-campaign, the eye-catching font was used in all media, city-posters, tram-posters, instagram, facebook – and of course the website kunst: szene zürich 2018.
we prepared a tool-set for the partners to actively promote their work, spaces and events in a unified appearance. we encouraged all the partners to work with the font, use the same facebook page and # (hashtags). the # where promoted on the posters and flyers of the main-campaign.
as for the merchandise products we created an up-cycle workshop. visitors could print letters onto products they brought with them, and create their own «kunst: szene zürich 2018» souvenir.
the specially for the kunst:szene zürich developed font
posters, flyers, small cards for the main campagne
website and social media
printed promotional matters from the partners, working with the font produced for the “kunst szene zürich”
workshop to produce a personal merchandise product