Author: so-ba

8.5.2024——–––––kurvenreich // streetfestival in windisch, switzerland

1.9.2023——–––––unterdorfmart // marked and streetfestival in windisch, switzerland

9.6.2023——–––––kurvenreich // streetfestival in windisch, switzerland

29.10.2022——–––––connceting dots in tsurumithe community of tsurumi started to transform the city into streets filled with pink dots, sending messages, questions and greetings to their neighbours and visitors. the weTrees tsurumi festival will take place october 29.+

10.2022——–––––catalog / books // bücher // 2veronika schäpers catalog will be avalliable soon this is the last part to be finished / designed by so+ba+

26.-28. November 2021——–––––«bibliopark ex» at ex-zentralbibliothek (düsseldorf)the performance fo miu will take place in the old building of the zentralbibliothek in düsseldorf, germany


creating, collecting and connecting dots in tsurumiMAKE THE CITY TALK dots (circles) represent the notions of unity, integration, wholeness, they give us a sense of completion, confidence, and harmony. they have no beginning and no end. connecting dots in tsurumi is a city branding project with the local community of the port city of tsurumi, […]


branding, logo, posters, flyers, and webdesign the futurescape project is an initiative by zou-no-hana terrace in yokohama to promote the use of public space.since first opening in 2009, zou-no-hana terrace has held a wide range of projects harnessing artistic creativity in public space. the futurescape project aims both to consolidate the results of those ongoing […]

1.6.2021——–––––expg opens a new branch school in shanghai, china. yukiharu takematsu designed the the dance school and so+ba created the typographic wall graffiti. thank you expg, we wish you will inspire numerous students to follow their dreams+


«humanitarian principles. here and now» is a contemporary art exhibition produced by the musée de l’elysée in lausanne and the swiss federal department of foreign affairs, in conversation with the international committee of the red cross (icrc) for the 70th anniversary of the geneva conventions.the four humanitarian principles –humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence – have […]

2020.09.19 ————— FERMATA EX —————book design for a performance by miuFERMATA EX is a continuation of FERMATAAll stories are told from multiple memories. There was a theater in that story, and the theater was called „Fermata“. A number of testimonials tell us their memories about the theater, the legendary underground venue for spectacular performances. One […]

2020.02.————–internationale kurzfilmtage winterthur the color for 2020 is decided+

2019.03—————typographic support for gabriella disler’s project “HOW LONG IS… “gabriella disler, intervention auf zeit // mörsbergerstrasse 54, Baselphoto: gert handschin, basel +


THE RADICALS is a collection of narratives pertaining to the ontology of a nation––a poetic shrine to a people, a culture, and a social milieu––built on the roots of a country’s written language. From the founding components of kanji (ideograms), the bushu (radicals) document the historic landscape of Japan––its literary figures, its heroic warriors, and […]


A PORT JOURNEY PROJECTDURATION: 2019/1/22 TUE–2/3 SUN awarness exhibition created by so+ba in collaboration with 8 port journey members who provided plastic trash from their houshold from one week. –––––– In 2016, the world generated 242million tonnes of plastic waste, 12% of all municipal solid waste. –––––– Some 90 percent of floating marine debris is […]


the «kunst: szene zürich 2018» – was held from november 23rd to december 2nd, 2018 in zurich. the modular-structured event with exhibitions and performances took place in 26 different spaces with around 250 participating artists and collectives, in the city of zurich.the «kunst: szene zürich 2018» in this modular form was new and had an […]


ss 2019 By writing the magic word “abracadabra” in a geometric triangular form (Schwindeschema3), speech is turned into a spell that conjures up the irrational. The individual letters of “abracadabra” are written in a special arrangement in which the number of letters is decreased in each line, thus forming a triangle that offers protection from […]


book—————concept and designthe «spinnerei III» in windisch was a spinning factory build in 1870. it was part of the industrial revolution in switzerland.once there was a faceless mass of women, men and children working here, today the building went through a renovation process, and now 50 families live there. the swiss writer christian haller writes […]

2017.11.07–12.————–internationale kurzfilmtage winterthur soon the festival will start for its 21st edition // so+ba made all the communication work for this short film festival // posters // catalog // programm // and much more….+

2017.11.03.—————design preis schweiz // prize giving ceremony so+ba is nominated for the design preis schweiz 2017 for the communication work for the «freitag ad_absurdum» exhibition at the mudac in lausanne, switzerland +

2017.03.15.—————edwina hörl / collection ss 2018—————down to earth +

2017.01.01.—————shinnen akemashite omedetou gozaimasu // happy new year +

2016.10.7—————freitag store ginza 5th anniversary freitag is celebrating their store anniversary starting at 5pm.freitag store party+

2016.16.06.–30.10—————the 27th brno biennale study room so+ba is invited to contribute one book to the 27th Brno Biennale Study Room, wich is curated by Kiyonori Muroga & Ian Lynam of IDEA Magazinewe choose the book from barbara kruger «love for sale» because barbara krugers work covers the aspects we think are important for design. design […]


branding // promotional concept // implementationthis project was realized in cooperation with the swiss embassy in tokyo regarded as an anti-establishment and antiwar movement emerging out of the horrors of world war I, dada spread across the world from the swiss city of zurich and had a decisive influence on the development of contemporary art. […]

2016.03.01.—————celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of dadaism kickoff event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of dadaism at the Cabaret Voltaire in zurich, in tokyo. the cocktail reception is hosted by the ambassador of switzerland, mr. urs bucher and mrs. anja siebold bucher on tuesday march 1, 2016チューリヒの「キャバレー・ヴォルテール」にて誕生したダダイズム100年を記念し、 ウルス・ブーヘル駐日スイス大使夫妻主催のカクテル・レセプションを 下記の要領で開催いたします。+

2016.03.01—————celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of dadaismkickoff event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of dadaism at the Cabaret Voltaire in zurich, in tokyo. the cocktail reception is hosted by the ambassador of switzerland, mr. urs bucher and mrs. anja siebold bucher on tuesday march 1, 2016チューリヒの「キャバレー・ヴォルテール」にて誕生したダダイズム100年を記念し、 ウルス・ブーヘル駐日スイス大使夫妻主催のカクテル・レセプションを 下記の要領で開催いたします。+


branding // posters // invitation card // catalog // goodsはじまり、美の饗宴展the best selection of the ohara museum of art part of the huge collection of magosaburo ohara was shown in tokyo at the national art center tokyo in nogizaka for the first time. it is the oldest collection of western art in japan. to create a […]

2016.01.01.––––shinnen akemashite omedetou gozaimasu––––happy new year +


exhibition communication // invitation // posters // publication freitag ad_absurdum28.10.2015 – 28.02.2016an exhibition to show an attitudecarte blanche to the freitag brothers, feat. frank & patrik riklinmudac – musée de design et d’arts appliqués contemporains in lausanne initial situationthe exhibition «freitag ad absurdum» of the freitag and riklin brothers is dedicated to the topics of […]

2015.10.28–2016.2.28––––freitag ad absurdum––––exhibition at mudac lausanne freitag ad absurdum at mudac+


exhibition book // book exhibition the publication bundles the essence of the exhibition, in order to exhibit and develop the ‘attitude’ again in the private spaces. the publication can be taken apart and trans- formed into a pop-up exhibition, with everything you need: an exhibition poster, the date and location can be added by hand, […]

2015.10.26––––freitag ad absurdum /exhibition preparation at noerd, zurich+


social media announcement for the 5th anniversary of the ginza freitag store five candles and some fish at the f-store in ginzain the nights before the five-year anniversary of the f-store in ginza……. fishermen were sighted nearby with their rods in manhole covers?have tuna infiltrated the sewer system in the japanese capital? or is urban […]


swiss focus branding // exhibition space design // implementation so+ba has co-organized and designed the swiss appearance at the «tokyo art book fair 2015». the project included two exhibitions, several presentations and talks including swiss publishers presenting at the pecha kucha night, and a party-event. one of the two exhibitions was «the most beautiful swiss […]


publication concept and design together with the organizing team of the tokyo art book fair, so+ba created the «book on swiss books» newspaper, in english and japanese. the publication introduces the swiss book market, swiss book designers and publishers. the publication was sold at the fair and in selected bookshops. «book on swiss books» includes […]

2015.09.19––––tokyo art book fair––––partytokyo art book fair 2015+

2015.9.19.–21––––tokyo art book fair 2015––––swiss focustabf swiss focus+

2015.09.04––––Soirée graphique Nr°8––––exhibition at KOMET, uferweg 15, 3013 bern, switzerlandthe soirée graphique, organised by komet, has been held annually since 2008. the exhibition is a platform for creative artists in the fields of graphic design, photography and the visual arts. it promotes visual design, stimulates new works and reflects trends in contemporary graphic was […]


book design and production in peach, the young Swiss artist susanne hefti turns her acute and sensitive gaze on her changing surroundings. through structure and composition, light and color, the photographer generates extraordinary moments that spirit the viewer away to an astounding world of her own and help us to see everyday things with new eyes. […]


this collection is deditcated to edwina hörls team and all the workers in the fashion indrustry Wer schafft das Gold zu Tage?Wer hämmert Erz und Stein?Wer webet Tuch und Seide?Wer bauet Korn und Wein?Wer gibt den Reichen all ihr Brotund lebt dabei in bitt´rer Not?Das sind die Arbeitsmännerdas ProletariatDas sind die Arbeitsmännerdas Proletariat Wer plagt […]


book design–––production communicating: a guide to pr in japanfor foreign companies entering a new market it is very important to understand the customs and social norms in order to be successful. especially true in japan, this has led to one of the oldest agencies, dentsu public relations, to publish a guide to pr in Japan […]

2015.1.23.–2.10––––control / shift / plus gasthaus zum bären/museum bärengasse in zurichpost-graduate programm in curating, zhdk+

2015.01.01.––––shinnen akemashite omedetou gozaimasu––––happy new year +

物語をつむぐバッグ—————BOOK, FREITAG

フライターグ/物語をつむぐバッグ is the japanese version of the book // freitag – out of the bag interviews with the brothers daniel and markus freitag and their coworkers and collaborators in the fields of product design, manufacturing, distributing, and marketing offer a look behind the scenes at the company, which manages as a brand to embody — […]


exhibition catalog design and production catalog on the retrospective exhibition of the book artist veronika schäpers at the klingspor-museum in offenbach, germany, from july 31 to september 14, 2014veronika schäpers work is conceptual, sensual and unique. she experiments with different materials and techniques. all her books share the perfect craftsmanship of refined materials. in this […]


communication design // posters // booklet // cards // etc tedxtokyo 2014 took place on saturday may 31st 2014, with a theme of ‘connecting the unconnected’; exploring our social ecosystem across japan and beyond. over 25 speakers and performers gathered to share powerful ideas, groundbreaking inventions, and highly original artforms.the concept of the communication tools […]

2014.03.27.––––eat creative + so+bawith the opening of our zurich office and an increasing number of international projects, so+ba is very excited to announce a formal partnership with long-time collaborator eat creative to provide greater opportunity to support european brands looking to expand to asia. eat creative // tokyo/zurich+

2014.03.05 18:00––––exhibition talk, japanese poster artists – cherry blossom and asceticism, at the museum fuer gestaltung zurichexperiences, inspirations, surprises – 16 years living and working in tokyo susanna baer, art director and founding member of so+ba tokyo, in conversation with bettina richter, curator poster collectionmuseum für gestaltung zurich+

2014.02.07––––swiss pechaKucha night, at super deluxe tokyothe swiss pechaKucha night is a side-event of the swissdays featuring unusual stories from swiss and japanese speakers on topics ranging from graphic design and architecture to alphorns and the origins of absinthe. swiss pechaKucha nightso+ba presentation+

2014.02.06 – 09.––––swissdays––––at roppongi hills, tokyoroppongi hills is transformed into switzerland. a four-day celebration of everything swiss.this is the kickoff event for the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between switzerland and japan.swissdays +

2014.02.02.––––anniversary programme for the year-long celebrations commemorating the 150th anniversary of swiss-japanese diplomatic relations+

2014.01.01.––––shinnen akemashite omedetou gozaimasu––––happy new year

2013.12.13 – 2014.01.12––––creative cities––––exhibition so+ba is part of the “creative cities” project representing tokyo at kaohsiung design festival in taiwan.creative cities+

2013.11.15––––pen-pen-gusa––––edwina hörl, spring summer exhibition––––garden party +

2013.09.05––––freitag store shibuya, opening partyfreitag opens a new flagshipstore in shibuya.freitagstore shibuya +

2013.06.21. – 23.––––fax me––––exhibition21 fri 金 19:00 – 23:59 opening party 22 sat 土 11:00 – 18:00 (13:00 – 16:00 m. koji workshop)23 sun 日 11:00 – 23:59 closing bar (dj do it yourself) «ファックス me» is a project by so+ba that started with a request by the australian design magazine «desktop». the task was […]

2013.05.11––––TEDx tokyo 2013––––l+l=lldesign for the TEDx 2013 in tokyo+

2013.05.01––––all night long––––hells bells tribute to rock ‘n’ rollso+ba’s ac/dc t-shirt, designed for uniqlo, japan now in stores +

2013.04.27––––––––zou no hana snack––––––––opening eventkickoff event for the “zou no hana snack” series.the japanese idea of snack, a nice gathering with a special host (mama-san), will start at zou no hana terrace.→ zou no hana snack+

2013.1.1.––––shinnen akemashite omedetou gozaimasu––––happy new year

2012.11.24 14:00–17:00––––«swiss typography 3», so+ba workshop at tokyo graphic passport so+ba’s workshop «swiss typography 3» will be a continuation of last years «swiss typography 2» workshop. it contains a lecture and practical work. the lecture will be a short introduction to swiss typography with a focus on political propaganda in switzeralnd. switzerland has a unique […]


AAA / Anshin Anzen Anarchie collection.creative direction // invitation // catalog // shooting direction // edwina hörl expresses a political attitude towards taking responsibility for the environment by using political self-awareness and public spirit. AAA / Anshin Anzen Anarchie informed on political and social issues – especially in Japan after 3.11; question spoon-fed news […]

2013.08.12.–20.––––tokyo typographic passport––––exhibition and workshop → tokyo typographic passport 2013 +

2012.07.01.––––never give up––––edwina hörl, ss, 2012 collectionnow in stores +

2012.05.01––––enjoy zou-no-hana document bookthe zou-no-hana document book is printed the last three years of zou-no-hana terrace is documented in texts and picutres.ou-no-hana terrace +

2012.04.29––––enjoy zou-no-hana picto workshopso+ba will hold a pictorgram-workshop––––start 13:00–15:00––––participants need to register at info@zounohana.complace: zou-no-hana terrace, 1 chome kaigan-dori, naka-ku, yokohamaexhibition «enjoy zou-no-hana» 2012.4.27-5.13zou-no-hana terrace+

2012.04.21–22+04.28-30 ––––aaa––––anzen/anshin/anarchyedwina hörl, autumn winter exhibition, 12:00–20:00party // 04.29 with a flute concert by miya, starting 20:30drinks++food++musicmiya, flute +

2012.04.14––––exhibition + filmscreening, 15:00 –23:59 at so+ba galleryratrak // exhibition + book vernissage // gabriel mauron + pascal greco ratrak +super 8, film 30min, 17:00 / 21:00, pascal greco, kid chocolat Super 8 is a poetic & psychedelic film by pascal greco with a soundtrack by kid chocolat. super8 +

2012.04.14––––exhibition + filmscreening––––15:00 – 23:59so+ba, 5-29-20 kyodo, setagaya-ku, tokyoratrak, exhibition + book vernissage, gabriel mauron + pascal greco ratrak+super 8, film 30min, 17:00 / 21:00, pascal grecokid chocolat Super 8 is a poetic & psychedelic film by pascal greco with a soundtrack by kid chocolat. super8 +

2012.3.31.––––voices at shibaura house tokyo«voices» is a gathering of narratives, ideas, knowledge, experiences, opinions and expressions that grow out of the 3.11 disasters in japan. in the unique open and inviting spaces of shibaura house (build by kazuyo sejima and ryue nishizawa). join workshops, participate in talk sessions, listen to stories, view exhibitions and enjoy […]


together with shibaurahouse tokyo, namida project held an event to talk about the aftermath of the fukushima nuclear disaster. listen to voices from fukushima citizens, learn about austria’s first nuclear power-plant in zwentendorf, which was build completely but never went on grid because of a referendum and raise money to donate to children in fukushima.


posters, programs, catalog, flyers, ads, coasters, t-shirts, catering bons etc. P. –––>Programm (program)K. –––>Katalog (catalog)K.u.G. –––>Kurz und Gut (short and well done)…… what is shorter than short? an abbreviation!the campaign for the «internationalen kurzfilmtage winterthur» (short film festival in winterthur) was created in 2011, it is short and concise. each year, the color is changing […]

2011.10.30––––tokyo graphic passport 2011––––so+ba lecture workship + Session 06. «Swiss Typography Pt.2» Time: 2011.10.30 (Sun) 13:00–15:00 Venue: 3331 Arts Chiyoda B105tokyo graphic passport 2011 The workshop “Swiss Typography 2” will be a continuation of so+ba’s last «Swiss typography» lecture from last year. The lecture will also include practical work. so+ba will start with a very […]

2011.10.19 ––––never give up––––edwina hörl, ss, 2012 collection +

2011.07.09.––––look with your hands––––new envelops for the yokohama rendez-vous shop

2011.06.25–07.18––––atelier zou-no-hanaworkshop for children with the theme: «moving», «painting», «creating» +

2011.05.31–06.6––––namida exhibition––––geneve, switzerlandopening-party may 31 from 18:00 at ruin gallery 15 rue des eaux-vollandes, genevethe force of nature has taken thousands of lives. our hearts and our thoughts go to all those who have lost loved ones and those who continue to suffer the difficulty of this crises. 100% of the sales of our work […]

2011.05.31––––lohas design award 2011the rendez-vous project products created by so+ba, «look with your hand» and «tactile note» (in collaboration with veronica schaepers) where selected for the grand prix for the lohas design award. the exhibition takes place at shinjuku giyoen in tokyo.+

2011.05.14 – 22––––edwina hörl’s namida exhibition at so+ba gallery+

2011.2.28––––zou-no-hana terrace // rendez-vous project exhibition 25.2.-27.3.2011 the rendez-vous project is about collaboration between designers/artist and local industries. so+ba’s partner is “waku-waku” sheltered workshop for deaf-blind people. in our project we wanted to integrate the waku-waku people into the creative process, not only into the production proscess. we asked them to write messages they would […]

2010.11.13––––opening party for edwina hörl’s fkk exhibition at so+ba gallery +

2010.11.13––––edwina hörl fkk exhibition at so+ba gallery +

2010––––this visually led book contains a global selection of the best graphic design studios’ work within the fashion industry – from packaging and lookbooks to swing tags and invitations – with exclusive insights from both clients and designers. so+ba’s edwina hörl work is introduced on page p204-207 laurence king publishing +

2010.05.28-30––––another world, films screening by jun miyazaki+

2010.10.16––– CONCERT AT so+bapart one / [ici] tokyo/kristof guez: photography and david chiesa : field recording, computer––––part two / Hako Otoko/ The Box Man / david chiesa: double bass, naoto yamagishi: percussions and drums and leonardo pellegatta: photography

2010.10.01––––slanted magazin #12––––women, typography, design––––autumn/winter 2010 slanted magazine +


«hungry eyes / thirsty ears / fresh frozen smile» is the title for so+ba’s contribution to the «graphic passport 2010 exhibition» held in tokyo from september 23 to 29, 2010. so+ba created 6 panels for the exhibition. collages of different projects which so+ba has developed during the past four years. eacht panel has a theme, […]

2010.09.23-29.––––invitation to the tokyo graphic passport exhibition 2010 tokyo graphic passport 2010 +

2010.09.22–––––––preparation for the graphic passport exhibition at 3331 in akihabara, tokyo+

2010.07.30-08.01––––––edwina hoerl archive-sale at so+ba gallery+


“look with your hands” is a series of envelops developped for the yokohama rendez-vous project. yokohama rendez-vous project started 2009 as an experimental approach to monozukuri, bridging artists and designers with businesses and social welfare facilities.for the “look with your hands” envelope series so+ba has been working with “wakuwaku work” a social facility for blind […]

2010.01.23––––shonan marathonlogo-mark design + art direction for nike japannike shonan marathon+

2010.03.19.–––––––––from somewhere to nowhere – on the road in china with photographer andreas seibert. film directed by Villi Hermannimago filmandreas seibert photography+

2009.02.05 – 27––––helvetica forever at ggg / ginza graphic galleryeven today, a half-century after its inception, helvetica continues to maintain its popularity as the best-known european typeface. this exhibition focuses on how this attractive font, which has swept the global market, is used in an astounding diversity of contexts, from familiar shop signs to the […]


book // 176 pages // hardcover // bilingual french/englishfrom architect and designer le corbusier to the font helvetica, switzerland has produced some of the most influential product and graphic design of the twentieth century. this sleek volume collects the best examples spanning from the early twentieth century (tiny slippers with pom-poms attached, made for little […]

2006.03.03–––––––––wedding tenugui for kanke and eiko


poster // flyer // tickets // catalog 240 pages // japanese languagejapan is currently playing host to the «small+beautiful, design from switzerland» traveling exhibition, which highlights the inventiveness and diversity of swiss design over the past 150 years.the small+beautiful exhibition, created by the swiss arts council, pro helvetia, contains over 400 different objects – design […]


the emperor’s new clotheswhen can one stop painting? in certain aslatic painting traditions the people who areconsidered to be master artists (and who can, as such perhaps stop painting) are those whoare able to reproduce a traditional sign most consummately, and with enormousconcentration. out of this reduction, and out of this struggle with traditions, they […]